We are organizing "Special Session: Verification and validation for Robotic Systems" in TOK-2022
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Title: Verification and validation for Robotic Systems

23rd TURKISH AUTOMATIC CONTROL NATIONAL CONFERENCE (TOK 2022), 15-18 September 2022, Türkiye

Summary of Workshop: Robotic systems are increasingly used in various fields such as Industry, Health, Agrofood etc. The field requirements force robotic systems to move from automation to autonomy. These new robotic systems also have some barriers for widespread application such as safety, security and privacy. The robotic systems should be trusted before usage. Therefore, verification & validation studies for the safety and security of robots are critical. This special Session focus including but not limited the following topics; verification & validation methods and tools, safety and security of robotic systems privacy for existence of human in working environment, etc. The language of the special session is English. This special session is organized under H2020-VALU3s project (https://valu3s.eu/) and TUBİTAK project under contract #119N356. The organization is supported by OTOKAR, ERARGE, ESOGÜ, İnovasyon Mühendislik ve TECHY.




ID:75- A safety and security-aware industrial robotic system implementation:ROKOS


ID:84-Tailored Mutation-based Software Fault Injection Tool (IM-FIT) for Industrial Robotic Systems


ID:68- MARVer: A Tool for Verification of Robotic System’s Safety


ID:98- ROS Based Attack Tool for Verification of Robotic System Security


ID:24-A Combined Approach to Improve the Cyber-Physical Resilience of Automated System