DIH Infrastructure

IFARLAB- DIH infrastructure contains equipment and testbeds belonging to IFARLAB- DIH and IFARLAB- DIH partners. All equipment in the IFARLAB-DIH is open to the service of all SMEs in need. Some of equipment are given below;

Autonomous Guided Vehicle


Smart Factory Infrastructure



Autonomous robot arm and 3D modelling infrastrucutre


Simulation Infrastructure

Industrial Usecases Youtube Links:

1003 project Full Integration smart factory laboratory


1003 project Full Integration smart factory laboratory v2
Autonomous Guided Vehicle, Robot Operating System, ROS, ROS2

Autonomous Guided Vehicle, Robot Operating System, ROS, ROS2, Augmented Reality, Gazebo

Partner’s Infrastructures:


PLAB Indoor Positioning System indoor positioning system tests


ROS Industrial Indoor Positioning System ROSin FTP project Demo

Virtual Robotic Laboratory




Uplat Virtual ROS Laboratory